Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A new life, a new blog!!

Well, I've tried this whole blogging business in the past, but I never remembered to update, or felt that I had much to say.  But I consistently WANT to blog, so I figure I might as well try again.  Besides, I'm sitting in quite a ridiculously taught class, so I have some time on my hands.  It will take me a while to get my writing skills back in shape, but for's what's on my mind!

I have been married almost TWO months.  It seems like so long ago already.  I think I managed to miss the "post-wedding" blues and boredom.  I really did worry about it.  They say that many women who plan a wedding often fall into a depression after the wedding because they have a sudden lack of wedding to plan.  Life is no longer "all about them."  I put a lot of my life into our wedding, so I had some serious concerns about it.  But I haven't missed a beat in having a million things to fill my life with, so I've had no time to be sad that my dream wedding has now passed.

I've been struggling with my attitude lately.  We've been blessed with a kitchen remodel and, as amazing as it is coming together, it's caused a number on my attitude and temper.  It's something I've always struggled with: letting things slide off my back.  But this has really tested me.  Our refrigerator, microwave, and George Foreman grill are currently in our living room, ALL of our amazing, beautiful, handy new kitchen things are in boxes that fill our guest bedroom, and our pantry has been dumped into our office.  I don't handle chaos and messiness very well, so I've done by best to organize this craziness.  But it's been putting me on edge, and I'm constantly finding myself irritated about the littlest things.  I've been doing some serious praying for patience, grace, mercy, and strength.  My schedule just doesn't allow me to home nearly enough for me to play the role of homemaker like I long to.  My sweet husband is doing everything he can to keep the house in order and to make it the home that we both long for.  His being out of work has been a blessing in disguise for us because it has allowed him time for projects around the house and he has been so amazing.  I'm trying to learn how to be more laid-back in the way that he is, but it's just not in my blood (thanks, Mom! =] ).  We've struggled, but we are finally situating ourselves into a routine that works for both of us, and the end of the remodel is totally in sight!  Praise Him that we will finally be able to have a sense of normalcy. =]  I am so looking forward to being able to entertain in our home and feel relaxed in the evenings when I come home from school.

Phil 4:12-14   “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.  For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” 

That's all I've got!

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